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Forward Seamen’s Union of India, commonly known as FSUI, was established on 30th May, 1954. Prior to that, seamen were subjected to inhuman torture, victimization and hire and fire by the shipowners. There was no seamen’s employment office. Unemployed youths used to stand in the queue for jobs. Gangsters and musclemen alongwith shipping agents were preferred mostly the non-Indian seamen. Young Indian seafarers were left out for a job. These tortures, created anger and resentment amongst seamen. There was constant desire amongst seamen to lodge protest unitedly. This desire and urge amongst them brought them together to initially form Merchant Navy Trainees’ Club. Soon the seamen realized that without a trade union it would not be possible to combat or counter shipowners’ virulent attack. That was the starting point with the formation of FSUI in 1957 as stated above.

Since then FSUI has travelled a long way during last 52 years. Today, FSUI is the biggest union of seamen in the shipping industry. With more than 27,000 members, FSUI has always been in the forefront to champion the cause of the seamen. It has successfully concluded number of wage agreements with National Maritime Board (NMB). FSUI is an affiliated unit of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) from the very inception of the formative stage of CITU in 1970. FSUI is also affiliated to International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF).

With branches at Mumbai, Chennai, Tuticorin, Vizag, Kochi, Port Blair, Lakshadweep etc. FSUI has strong connection with port and dock unions. Apart from this, FSUI has also strong relation with various fraternal panel trade unions Indian and other International Trade Unions.

Furthermore, FSUI also has an organization with it namely Welfare for Indian Seamen Everywhere (WISE). This organization has been formed to look after the welfare of the seamen in the spheres of their health, education of kids, old age problems etc. WISE is also involved in various social works. Efforts are on for establishing old age homes and educational institution of international standard. All these projects are in the pipeline as mark of development for not only seamen but for other section of common people.

FSUI is an organization committed to defend and protect the interests of the seafarers and save them from the onslaught of the shipowners.


FSUI has travelled a long way during last 52 years
Today, FSUI is the biggest union of seamen in the shipping industry
With more than 27,000 members With branches at Mumbai, Chennai, Tuticorin, Vizag, Kochi, Port Blair, Lakshadweep