

<p>The Director General (DG) of Shipping, Shyam Jagannathan, chief guest of the event, enumerated important steps taken by the Directorate of Shipping, particularly after he took charge as the DG. He pointed out that the need of effective functioning of Port Welfare Committees for the wellbeing of mental health of seafarers would help them, citing the example of Deendayal Port Authority, Kandla.</p>

<p>He reiterated that the Directorate had already started certain important actions to eliminate mental stress from Indian seafarers by beginning important action programmes like INDOS corrections, getting earlier CDC entries, streamlining the role of RPSL agents, modifying the methodology of conducting competitive examinations for upcoming seafarers and petty officers, and the existing shore-leave problem.</p>

<p>Mr Jagannathan’s address was followed by the lively and absorbing ‘Navigating wellbeing at sea: Understanding and coping stress’ panel discussion. Capt Gajanan Karanjikar moderated the discussion. Asif Upadhye, Capt Mahendra Bhasin, Capt Phillip Mathew, Capt Shaikh Zoheb Jamil, Dr Sanjay Bhavnani, and Aishwarya Pilankar, were the eminent personalities who participated. </p> <p>Pannel Discussion was held with presence of Industry leaders to cope with mental stress and wellbeing of seafarers on 14th october 2023 at Mumbai</p> <p>FSUI General Secretary Manoj Yadav participated in ILO (Geneva) in meeing with government, employers and Seafarers group. the meeting was to decide and frame the condition on Decenet work at Inland Sector and the same was adopted by committee after a 5 days meeting held from 20 to 24th of Novemebr 2023</p> <p>माननीय केंद्रीय मंत्री @भूपेंद्र यादव जी श्रम एवं रोजगार के मुंबई आगमन पर सभी संघठित एवं असंगठित ट्रेड यूनियन की सभा बुलाई गई। जिसके अवसर पर महाराष्ट्र उप मुख्यमंत्री श्री देवेंद्र फड़वनीश जी एवं महाराष्ट्र श्रम मंत्री श्री सुरेश खाडे एवं सांसद मनोज कोटक तथा सभी ट्रेड यूनियन के लीडर की चर्चा हुई। इस दौरान माननीय श्रम मंत्री को निवेदन देकर विभिन्न विषयों से अवगत कराया। जिसमें विषेश रूप से AGE Norms का मुद्दा प्रमुख था ।</p> <p>FSUI On Fair Practice of Recruitment </p> <p>FSUI Represenation in WTWFI working committee meeting held at kolkata</p> <p>Delegation of FSUI reprsenting in WTWFI </p> <p>FSUI Representation in All India CITU Concil Meeting held at Kolkata</p> <p>Fair Practice of Recruitment </p> <p>labour day #Solidarity #Sailors #mariners #maritimeworkers</p> <p>#opposeprivatisation #paradeep</p> <p>International Seafarers Day celebration on 25th June @Kolkata with Seafarers, Retired Seafarers & families. </p> <p>Death Compensation to family of late brother Satyam Tripathi and Dinesh Chauhan missing from onboard MT Pablo since the blast accident happens on 1st May 2023 at Malasiyan water. The family with two minor children well received and thanks FSUI for being with them. Important part is owner agreed to pay from their own rather than waiting for insurance and against obligations of missing case. We Thanks to management for such positive response by understanding the family financial crises. — at Forward Seamen's Union of India. Thanks to ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation with assistance to them the survived crew got compensated as well . For the Seafarers by the Seafarers</p> #ThisIsOurWorldToo Celebration of #internationalwomensday @IMUKolkata with Cadets by sharing the experiences of @FSUIINDIA leaders and distribution of laptop bags to all and sharing of sweets with happiness. This women brigades will lead for sure and help to develop #ShippingIndustry ITF Seafarers Trust ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation CITU - Centre of Indian Trade Unions

"> <p><a href=#ThisIsOurWorldToo Celebration of #internationalwomensday @IMUKolkata with Cadets by sharing the experiences of @FSUIINDIA leaders and distribution of laptop bags to all and sharing of sweets with happiness. This women brigades will lead for sure and help to develop #ShippingIndustry ITF Seafarers Trust ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation CITU - Centre of Indian Trade Unions

" height="150px" width="200px" style="border:solid black; margin:1px 22px 22px 0px;" border="solid" /> #sports are always best for fitness #onboard or at Shore. Forward Seamen's Union of India with our #wellbeing program for #Seafarers prioritise the health during their leave also. Congratulations to #Seafarers won the volleyball championship@phoolpur #uttarpradesh . Healthy #Seafarers #safer #ships ITF Wellbeing ITF Seafarers Trust ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation CITU - Centre of Indian Trade Unions

"> <p>ALLAHABAD <a href=#sports are always best for fitness #onboard or at Shore. Forward Seamen's Union of India with our #wellbeing program for #Seafarers prioritise the health during their leave also. Congratulations to #Seafarers won the volleyball championship@phoolpur #uttarpradesh . Healthy #Seafarers #safer #ships ITF Wellbeing ITF Seafarers Trust ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation CITU - Centre of Indian Trade Unions

" height="150px" width="200px" style="border:solid black; margin:1px 22px 22px 0px;" border="solid" /> <p>Seafarers reported to FSUI about problems for fresh water at Kolkata seafarers hostel “Nabhik Griha” . Fresh water cooler is being installed by FSUI at Kolkata. FSUI committed for welfare of seafarers every where at Shore and Ship. Seafarers Unity Zindabad , FSUI Zindabad</p> <p>A strong oppose to the decision of SCI for shifting the selection process to Mumbai denying the interest of kolkata and nearby state seafarers. </p> <p>FSUI organised Conference of RPSL held on 26th of July with participation of 100+ RPSL companies attending to discuss on following important issues.</p>

<p>1) Fair Practice of Recruitment <br />
2) Insurance to Seafarers </p>

<p>Discussion was held on Challenges faced during  Abandonment of Seafarer, Non Payment of Wages, Stranded seafarers. <br />
It was deliberat about the Seafarers getting trapped by third party agents operating from Iran, UAE. Malaysia, Vietnam, Turkey. <br />
Failing to having direct link with principals owners many a times such situation of abandonment arises, it was further noted that of paying compensation to seafarers was a challenge aa many Principals companies are not MLC 2006 Ratified Countries or the level of compensation as per the flag and  are pressurising to pay as per law of lands or as per the flag, which is very nominal amount. <br />
Raising consent for Flag States to agree in terms of paying social securities the Administrations & Government can definitely play a vital role for safety of Seafarers and RPSL Companies too. <br />
It was well reported that Recruiters of Seafarers would be having their license office at foreign ports and having limited access to their Principals Owners many a times, Many of the attendees RPSL Companies are struggling and fighting legal battles and  disputes arising on-board due to the conflicts between employer and employees while having limited access, which is not same with other companies as they are well protected through their licensed office. During time of situation like abandonment failing to get support from Flag states of  registered vessels that cause non response form principal in many cases. RPSL agreed to take more precaution by securing seafarers through additional insurance for challenges like abandonment situations and support their cause an Insurance.<br />
Company from UK duly underwrite by Lloyd gave their  presentation who are currently covering more over 75000 of seafarers globally duly compliance with MLC 2006 norms  and its amendments along with other National Insurance companies. <br />
Presentation about Health, working conditions, and wellbeing’s  of seafarers were also part of conference. RPSL Companies agreed to work together for safety of seafarers and enhancing the Industry by proving large numbers of seafarers and to protect their social securities.</p>

<p>It was further agreed that a  delegation with FSUI and  RPSL companies shall visit to meet the authorities of  flag states from the above countries and represent the grievances of Seafarers.</p> <p>An event organised by FSUI at Mumbai to discuss on "Fair Practice of Recruitment " and Insurance Service to Family of Seafarers</p> <p> </p>

<p>On 28th of August A delegation of FSUI leaders by Com. Narendra Rao vice president of FSUI and Com Nand Kumar (Vice President FSUI) met Minister of Shipping Port and waterways at Delhi and given Representation of Seafarers Pension scheme to be implemented for Officers, Seafarers and Trainees. As assured by Hon’ble Minister has discussed and assured to move ahed in direction with positively..</p>

<p> </p>
FSUI has travelled a long way during last 52 years
Today, FSUI is the biggest union of seamen in the shipping industry
With more than 27,000 members With branches at Mumbai, Chennai, Tuticorin, Vizag, Kochi, Port Blair, Lakshadweep