

<p>The Director General (DG) of Shipping, Shyam Jagannathan, chief guest of the event, enumerated important steps taken by the Directorate of Shipping, particularly after he took charge as the DG. He pointed out that the need of effective functioning of Port Welfare Committees for the wellbeing of mental health of seafarers would help them, citing the example of Deendayal Port Authority, Kandla.</p>

<p>He reiterated that the Directorate had already started certain important actions to eliminate mental stress from Indian seafarers by beginning important action programmes like INDOS corrections, getting earlier CDC entries, streamlining the role of RPSL agents, modifying the methodology of conducting competitive examinations for upcoming seafarers and petty officers, and the existing shore-leave problem.</p>

<p>Mr Jagannathan’s address was followed by the lively and absorbing ‘Navigating wellbeing at sea: Understanding and coping stress’ panel discussion. Capt Gajanan Karanjikar moderated the discussion. Asif Upadhye, Capt Mahendra Bhasin, Capt Phillip Mathew, Capt Shaikh Zoheb Jamil, Dr Sanjay Bhavnani, and Aishwarya Pilankar, were the eminent personalities who participated. </p> <p>Pannel Discussion was held with presence of Industry leaders to cope with mental stress and wellbeing of seafarers on 14th october 2023 at Mumbai</p> <p>FSUI General Secretary Manoj Yadav participated in ILO (Geneva) in meeing with government, employers and Seafarers group. the meeting was to decide and frame the condition on Decenet work at Inland Sector and the same was adopted by committee after a 5 days meeting held from 20 to 24th of Novemebr 2023</p> <p>माननीय केंद्रीय मंत्री @भूपेंद्र यादव जी श्रम एवं रोजगार के मुंबई आगमन पर सभी संघठित एवं असंगठित ट्रेड यूनियन की सभा बुलाई गई। जिसके अवसर पर महाराष्ट्र उप मुख्यमंत्री श्री देवेंद्र फड़वनीश जी एवं महाराष्ट्र श्रम मंत्री श्री सुरेश खाडे एवं सांसद मनोज कोटक तथा सभी ट्रेड यूनियन के लीडर की चर्चा हुई। इस दौरान माननीय श्रम मंत्री को निवेदन देकर विभिन्न विषयों से अवगत कराया। जिसमें विषेश रूप से AGE Norms का मुद्दा प्रमुख था ।</p> <p>FSUI On Fair Practice of Recruitment </p> <p>Reporting of Inland Section in ITF Congress at Morroco by FSUI General Secretary </p> <p>Delegation of FSUI reprsenting in WTWFI </p> <p>FSUI Representation in All India CITU Concil Meeting held at Kolkata</p> <p><strong>The Forward Seamen's Union of India </strong></p>

<p>hosted a symposium on Abandonment & MentalHealth of serving seafarers on board the vessels along with the launch of the FSUI Sea Call app, in Mumbai on 4th January 2025.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Dignitaries in attendance included Bro. Steve Trowsdale, Coordinator of the ITF Inspectorate; Br. Asif Altaf from ITF Well-Being; Dy.DG Shipping Crew Capt. Dr. Daniel Joseph; Brother Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra, ITF Executive Board Member; Bro. Mahendra Gharat, ITF Executive Board Member; Capt.Mahendra Bashin, Director of Mediterranean Shipping Company Crewing branch of India; Capt. Ansul Rajvanshi, Director of Synergy Ship Management; Ms. Sonali Banerjee, Principal Surveyor IRS; Ms. Aishrwaya Pilankar, Vice President of IMF; Narendra Rao, General Secretary of Water Transport Workers Federation of India; Br. Sanjeev Mehra; and many representatives from the shipping industry.</p> #ThisIsOurWorldToo Celebration of #internationalwomensday @IMUKolkata with Cadets by sharing the experiences of @FSUIINDIA leaders and distribution of laptop bags to all and sharing of sweets with happiness. This women brigades will lead for sure and help to develop #ShippingIndustry ITF Seafarers Trust ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation CITU - Centre of Indian Trade Unions

"> <p><a href=#ThisIsOurWorldToo Celebration of #internationalwomensday @IMUKolkata with Cadets by sharing the experiences of @FSUIINDIA leaders and distribution of laptop bags to all and sharing of sweets with happiness. This women brigades will lead for sure and help to develop #ShippingIndustry ITF Seafarers Trust ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation CITU - Centre of Indian Trade Unions

" height="150px" width="200px" style="border:solid black; margin:1px 22px 22px 0px;" border="solid" /> #sports are always best for fitness #onboard or at Shore. Forward Seamen's Union of India with our #wellbeing program for #Seafarers prioritise the health during their leave also. Congratulations to #Seafarers won the volleyball championship@phoolpur #uttarpradesh . Healthy #Seafarers #safer #ships ITF Wellbeing ITF Seafarers Trust ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation CITU - Centre of Indian Trade Unions

"> <p>ALLAHABAD <a href=#sports are always best for fitness #onboard or at Shore. Forward Seamen's Union of India with our #wellbeing program for #Seafarers prioritise the health during their leave also. Congratulations to #Seafarers won the volleyball championship@phoolpur #uttarpradesh . Healthy #Seafarers #safer #ships ITF Wellbeing ITF Seafarers Trust ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation CITU - Centre of Indian Trade Unions

" height="150px" width="200px" style="border:solid black; margin:1px 22px 22px 0px;" border="solid" /> <p>Seafarers reported to FSUI about problems for fresh water at Kolkata seafarers hostel “Nabhik Griha” . Fresh water cooler is being installed by FSUI at Kolkata. FSUI committed for welfare of seafarers every where at Shore and Ship. Seafarers Unity Zindabad , FSUI Zindabad</p> <p>The discussions among participants focused on the issue of abandonment of seafarers. The “<strong>FSUI SEA CALL APP” </strong>was launched by Dy.DG Shipping Capt. Daniel Joseph and will soon be available for seafarers and their families on both Android and iOS platforms.</p> <p> </p>

<h1>Seminar concluded with some of the following conclusions after panel of discussion with industry experts</h1>

<p> </p>

	<li>Create entry level curriculum for cadets and seafarers educating them about abandonment issues so that they are prepared</li>

<p> </p>

	<li>As part of their curriculum cadets and Seafarers must be trained on the realities of work onboard. It’s not all glamour but they need to be ready for structured professional work which has its own work pressures.</li>

<p> </p>

	<li>Reflect on SOPs of countries like Taiwan to ensure that abandonment issues are mandatorily resolved before vessels are allowed to fare at sea.</li>

<p> </p>

	<li>Publicize lessons from incidents industry-wide so that wisdom can be shared and we can all move forward together</li>
</ol> <p>An event organised by FSUI at Mumbai to discuss on "Fair Practice of Recruitment " and Insurance Service to Family of Seafarers</p> <p> </p>

<p>On 28th of August A delegation of FSUI leaders by Com. Narendra Rao vice president of FSUI and Com Nand Kumar (Vice President FSUI) met Minister of Shipping Port and waterways at Delhi and given Representation of Seafarers Pension scheme to be implemented for Officers, Seafarers and Trainees. As assured by Hon’ble Minister has discussed and assured to move ahed in direction with positively..</p>

<p> </p> <p>FSUI particiapted in ITF Congress 2024 held at Marakecch (Morroco) and delibrated the ongoing issues of seafarers in various sectors.</p> <p>The ITF (International Transport Workers' Federation) Congress, which brought together leaders from 156 countries, focused on key issues facing transport workers globally and outlined a strategic plan for the next five years. The congress highlighted several pressing challenges, including:</p>

<p>1. **Health and Safety**: Ensuring better health and safety standards for transport workers, especially in light of the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, was a major focus.</p>

<p>2. **Job Security**: Addressing the rising concern of job security in an era of automation and digitalization, with a plan to advocate for fair treatment and retraining opportunities for workers displaced by technological advancements.</p>

<p>3. **Wages and Working Conditions**: The need to improve wages and working conditions across the transport sector, advocating for fair pay, reasonable hours, and adequate rest periods for all workers.</p>

<p>4. **Union Rights**: Strengthening the rights of transport workers to organize and collectively bargain, ensuring that unions remain strong and effective in representing their members’ interests.</p>

<p>5. **Climate Change**: Developing strategies for the transport sector to contribute to global efforts against climate change, promoting sustainable practices and green jobs within the industry.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>7. **Digitalization**: Emphasizing the importance of workers’ rights in the context of digital transformation, ensuring that new technologies benefit workers, rather than diminish their roles or exploit their labor.</p>

<p>8. **Global Solidarity**: Promoting international solidarity among transport workers, recognizing that many challenges are global in nature, and that collaborative efforts will be crucial in addressing them.</p>

<p>The congress concluded with a call for continued engagement and collaboration among unions, governments, and employers to implement the agreed-upon strategies and ensure that the voices of transport workers are heard and respected in the evolving landscape of the global transport sector. This course of action aims to empower workers and secure a more equitable and sustainable future in transport.</p> <p>FSUI Raise the issue of Cabotage in Congress of ITF supporting the Chile Seafarers Union who all are fighting against the removal of Cabotage by thier government. Indian Government has announced the removal of cabotage which is actually not existing and only 40 % of cargo movement at Indian Coast are moving through National Flags. FSUI Raised the concern about threat of seafarers job once foregin flag ships will fully allowed to operate in Indian coast. </p>
FSUI has travelled a long way during last 52 years
Today, FSUI is the biggest union of seamen in the shipping industry
With more than 27,000 members With branches at Mumbai, Chennai, Tuticorin, Vizag, Kochi, Port Blair, Lakshadweep